Saturday, 21 April 2012

I love bags

You can never have to many bags, well that is what I have to tell myself to justify all the bags that I make for myself.

So I really liked the bag that I made my bestie a few weeks ago so I took the remaining scrap fabric and whipped up one of my own.  But as I do I wanted this a little bigger so I gave it a round box base (is that contradictory?) and put the zipper at the top:

Now I do like it but I don't like it, I feel that either the pattern part needed to be greater or the black less and a recessed zip would have looked better.... still learning, still learning.

Catch up Saturdays

I have recently started my new full-time job which has bizarre hours from 1pm - 9pm and as I am so wonderfully busy in the mornings with kids and house duties all my evening spare time for sewing is gone :(

But I do have my Saturdays and so once all the clothes were washed and on the line, the dog washed and groomed and the kids set up I hit the kitchen and sewing room.

I of course baked first:
some tasty and very healthy Carrot, zucchini and pecan muffins.

These are for work for my coffee breaks and after work when I feel like something but it's far to late to eat something heavy and large.

Then as it is Saturdays and I like to treat us all to something nice I also made some individual Apple Pies, now this photo is of some bite sized ones which was made from the left over pastry and apple mix.  The bigger ones we shall cook just before eating so it's crust is crunchy and deliciously warm on the inside!
And from the sewing room, I created a "Soccer mum" winter essential!  I've been a soccer mum for so many years now and I really don't know why I didn't do this earlier:
Both the bag and head band are made from polar fleece.  Whilst on Pinterest I simply feel in love with the DIY Ear warmers by Prudent Baby and the bag (which I just sewed up without a pattern) is not only a carry all by a lap blanket! I'm in love with both and the grey fleece is such a nice colour too.  I have a little of the fabric left so once I get a change I'll try and make a scarf or neck warmer too.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Pretty little Bags

Had a custom order for some wrist bags:

I have to say they were not the easiest bag to sew up and for someone who's sewing passion is bags it drove me a little crazy.  In total I made 5 bags and each time I tried something new to get the handles to piece together better and it really didn't make a difference.  Each bag did turn out but I whined a hell of a lot whilst making them.

Now this bag:

"The Buttercup bag"*  I absolutely love making and find no matter what fabric I use it always turns out  just right.  
Made By Rae's Buttercup bag was one of the first bags that I ever made and I feel I have a special kinship with it - like my virgin bag!

*Buttercup Bag designed by Rae Hoekstra. Copyright Rae Hoekstra.  JJHandmade holds a limited commercial license to create "Buttercup Bags"

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter!

God bless you all and wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!!

Monday, 2 April 2012

My Bestie

My very special school bestie came over this week for a little catch up and as we headed out to a café she grabbed her purse and mobile - Oh my Soup (her little pet name) she had an old cosmetic bag as her purse, it looked like a pencil case and her mobile was inside a coin purse.

Now what sort of friend am I if I didn't use my extensive talents and whip her up something much more lady like, LOL even more sensible:

 I hope she likes them, because I do!